Color Consultation

Psychologists have suggested that colour can account for 60% of the acceptance or rejection of any product or service and this includes the colours you wear.In fact, the colours you wear can make you instantly look slimmer and healthier!

More people than ever before are taking advantage of colour consultations, to project a better image. We react to colour on instinct.

We all act on instinct to colour, and in many instances our responses to colour can help us survive. For example, if you were swimming in the sea, and saw a large grey object swimming toward you, and could not see the object only the colour, you probably swim away as fast as possible.Grey in this instance immediately triggers a danger response, the object could be a shark and colour consultation signals danger.

Colours and what we associate them with
As society has developed it has reinforced our association with certain colours to trigger a response. Ever wondered why the uniforms of so many police or armed forces personnel and even traffic wardens are black or dark blue?
Colour and your image We all react to colour, and can use the influence of colour to our advantage, to create a positive impression.This is what a colour consultation is all about, getting more from lifeConsider this simple fact; around 60% of clothes sold in the UK are black.The reason for this is that black can be used both formally and informally to great effect.
Wearing colours to make an impact
Wearing black formally suggests elegance, strength, authority and power. If you have to attend a business interview, black is always a great colour. In Western culture, if worn in the right way, then in a formal setting, it will trigger a positive response.When worn properly, in any situation, black clothing conveys neatness and simplicity.Black may be seen as a safe colour, but it is extremely effective if worn in the right way, to trigger a positive response.
Colour consultantions can make you look slimmer & healthier!
A trained image consultant when giving you a colour consultation will not of course recommend you wear just black. They will help you choose the best colours to use in relation to your complexion, hair colour and build.
Using the rights colours can help you look slimmer, healthier, and project a serious or fun image. 

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